Monday, November 22

It's a First

 I am mad.
I don't like this one bit.
I guess I'll have to learn to live with it.
Baby J's hair was getting a little stringy.
(I refuse to stop calling him Baby J until he's a year, that gives me a month)
That, and almost everyday I take him out in pubic, someone confuses him for a girl.
I guess it was time for his first haircut.

Tired/annoyed boy. He did pretty good considering we made him sit pretty still, while we moved his head around from side to side. Good thing we had some yogurt pretzels we could bribe him with)
Here's the end result.
It's on the short side.
I've never cut a baby's hair before.
So cut me some slack.
I'm toying with the idea of taking all of the hair I saved (yes, I saved it all) 
and keeping it in my purse at all times.
Kind of like a security blanket.
Creepy or caring?
I'm hoping it grows back curly and blond (like his dad).
A girl can dream, right?

 I HATE that he looks like a little boy in this picture.
I've decided I'm going to pout about it until he stops growing.


Grammy Suzzy said...

Jackie, you keep that hair with you...NOTHING a mommy does is strange! (My boys say that, if they ever find a ladder up to their bedroom window when I am old and grey, THAT will cross the line!) He does look very cute...and not too grown up!

Unknown said...

I think he looks so handsome. Cute little Baby J- FOR SURE!!

Melissa said...

He looks so grown up now! He is SUCH a cute kid! I kept most of Carter's hair from his first hair cut... it's in his baby book... and I tear up when I look at it. Now he has his hair done with gel and hair spray and likes to look at it in the mirror when he's "hansome" and ready for the day. *Sigh* They grow up so fast!

Steven and Chelsea said...

He is so grown up looking! I don't like it either! Can I join your pouting party? And I think his hair will end up curly like T's. And I can't believe only one month left of saying BABY J!