Sunday, February 17

Winter Blues

This is my third time dealing with Wyoming winter.
I've come to the conclusion that it blows.
Every summer, I rationalize not going outside because I'm tired, or other things need to get done or it's too sunny.
And every winter, I cursed my summer self at not going outside more when it was nice out.
Will I ever learn my lesson?
Will summer me ever go outside enough to satisfy winter me?
We haven't really done anything monumental lately.
We have our little routine.
T wakes up, plays basketball, goes to work, I wake up an hour later, pump, take care of Richie, clean the house a little bit, get the kids dressed, get myself dressed, take the kids to daycare, go to work, teach, pick up kids from daycare, come home, pump, make dinner, spend some time together as a family, give the kids a bath, JW plays in there for a good half an hour while he brings every single toy into the bathtub with him, chase naked him around the house while we struggle to put pajamas on him, put him to bed, get him a drink of water about 5 different times, put Richie to bed, spend some brief moments alone just T and I, pump, write in my journal, read some scriptures, and finally, go to sleep. 
It sounds exhausting just writing it, but I've actually come to enjoy the rountine.  I love eating together, I love *trying* to keep the house clean, I love feeling like a family. 
Weekends go a little differently.
We've kind of made it a tradition to go out of town to the *big* city an hour away on Saturdays. 
We eat lunch, and go shopping at Walmart.
It's nice.
It gives us time to talk about our goals as a family and where we want to be in the years ahead. 
Yes.  Winter sucks, but what we've got set up here almost takes the entire winter sting away.    
That, and who could be completely depressed living with these gorgeous children?
By the way, Richie cut his SECOND tooth!
Here's hopin' he cuts out all this ear infection business.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You are such an inspiration to me...That is why I love to read your blog. You are a women that seems to be able to manage anything that is given to you. Work, kids, house, dinner and a Husband. You are simply AMAZING! Your children are gorgeous and you are a beautiful person inside and out. What a fun life you have!