Friday, February 1

Baby Richie is 6 months.

I love/hate having a six month old.
I love that he is starting the process of learning how to crawl, by getting his knees under his body and rocking.
I hate that I can't cuddle him anymore because he wants to see everything.
I love how he's getting more rolly/polly everyday.
I hate that he's getting so heavy; I struggle at lugging his carseat around. 
I love that he's getting around the house and exploring on his own.
I hate that I now have to vacuum and pick up all of JW's little toys 24/7 for fear Richie will choke.
I love that he's growing bigger it seems like daily.
I hate that I have to go through his clothes almost daily.
I love this little boy so much.
He still wakes up in the best mood.
He's still obsessed with JW, and
he's still trying to keep up with him.
He's still my quiet, adorable, pleasant, independent, perfect little guy, and
I'm so excited to see him get moving! 
My guess is it's happening this month!
P.S. His eyes are still staying blue!  Fingers crossed!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

He is so cute! I love your posts! You are such a good Momma!