Wednesday, February 27

Fabulous February?

My body is fighting an infection.
More specifically (and maybe TMI), a breast infection.
If you have had one, I am sorry.
I know I'm sorry for myself.
If you haven't had one, it's basically one of the worst things ever.
Everything hurts.
Obviously, where the infection is located, hurts.
But also, my bones hurt, my head hurts, my joints hurt.
It's like when you get the flu, and you have that terrible body ache.
Not only that, but you get an incredibly high fever.
At least for me, everytime my temp. gets to at least 103 degrees.
You get awful body shakes, become comepletely lethargic, and unable to stand for long periods of time.
Not exactly the best gig with two active little ones running the house.
This has been my fifth or sixth infection (I've lost count) in the past six months.
My body can only take so much antibotics, which means sadly, I must taper off my pumping until I totally dry up.
For those of you who have not had to experience this, it is really difficult (at least for me).
There are a lot breast feeding hormones that come into play here, but I've already had few tear-stained nights over this issue.
So, while I've been over here trying not to die, here's the goings on 'round these parts!
Before I was hit by the plague, I made this pretty Easter craft at the local craft store.
They do a make n' take every month, so you can bet your sweet buns I am going again next month!
It was really fun!
February snow = BLEH!
T and JW made the best of it.
They made a snow man with some of JW's toys and the snow in our yard.
Weeks later, it's still hanging on.
Just goes to show you how cold our winter has been this year.
We, unfortunately, decided to go to SLC the weekend they had a blizzard.
Going up Parley's was crazy!
So many cars/ semis that didn't chain up were spinning out everywhere.
Gotta love our Land Cruiser!
Richie is still just as fascinated with JW as ever.
I love to watch them.
JW has actually shown some interest in our baby lately.
It's been so cute. 
JW doesn't like to play with him, but he likes to pay attention to him when he thinks he'll get some attention from us if he does. 
Either way, it's still pretty darn cute.
Richie's been trying to hold his own bottle.
He does it every now and then, but fumbles more often than not.
It will be a good day when he learns that skill completely!

On February 26, 2013, Richie officially and completely crawled!
It was like it all clicked with him.
For weeks, he's been  moving his legs and having no idea what to do with his arms, and last night, he just started moving his arms.
He's so funny though, he doesn't crawl unless he needs to get something.
No crawling for the sake of crawling.
He's very delibrate that way.
Since Richie was born on July 31st, I'm not sure when he turns 7 months this month.
So, let's just pretend he turns 7 months today.
Happy 7 months Richie!
You are the light of our lives.
Everyone loves you, and you are perfection!
Note: I thought taking a picture of him sleeping would be easier; he's crazy mobile now.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm so sorry about the infection and I have had one and I understand your pain. Your boys are so darn cute!