Friday, January 18

Cranberry Church

John Wayne went to his first day of primary (he calls it Cranberry Church) a few weeks ago.
When he walked into the room he will go to for next eight years or so, he saw a little boy in his Sunbeam class, crying.
Once JW saw this sight, he got a little nervous too.
I just left, in hopes that he would forget.
It seemed like he did. 
I walked by a little while later to check on him, and he was standing right near the door talking to his teacher.
It looked like he was trying to negotiate with her.
He's a good negotiator.
After church, I talked to JW's teacher.
She said they did a 'Get to Know You Activity', and she told me I should be very proud because in response to
 "What's your favorite food?" JW said, "Vegetables"
and "What's your favorite TV show?" He said, "I don't like TV."
Both responses are not true at all as far as I can tell.
Oh my, this little boy makes me so happy.
Lately, he's shown a tad more interest in Richie. 
He's been doing to cutest things. 
When we put Richie on the ground to roll around and discover, JW will bring a mountain of things to play with/gnaw on. 
In the mornings when I'm getting ready for work, I let JW watch the disney channel on the ipad.  I usually put Richie next to him, and JW makes sure to point the ipad in Richie direction. 
Just yesterday, the most rewarding with regard to having two children, happened yesterday.
I was pumping, so I couldn't do anything, but JW was jumping around the bed and Richie was just laying there watching him like usual. 
All of a sudden Richie started laughing hysterically.
JW was making Richie laugh!
Richie laughed huge belly laughs (actually I've never heard him laugh this hard or this loud before) over and over while JW, unknowingly was doing things.
It is my hope that this is a sign of things to come.
I want these boys to become friends so badly!


Pants said...

Cranberry Church--classic. I love these boys.

Unknown said...

Super cute pictures and very sweet stories!