Thursday, July 5

Fourth of July 2012

This is the first time we've done the 'official Fourth of July' type festivities as a family.
It was pretty fun, and I'm super glad we did.
Gotta love small town parades.
Floats for not only every business in town, but also floats for the all the people running for local office (from what I could tell, no one was running opposed), the boy scouts, BOTH fire departments (there's two here), just owning a cool car, and pretty much every motorcycle owner within a 200 mile radius.
John Wayne particularly enjoyed finding an old pastic bag and using it to pick up the candy all the floats threw to kids.
After that, he would not let us touch the bag and kept calling it, 'his special bag of candy'.
It was a warm morning, but at least it wasn't windy (hallelujah!).

Since everything in our little town was closed, we headed to the bigger town (read: has a Wal-Mart) 40 min. away to get some grub.
Afterwards, we went back to our local park.
John Wayne celebrated the Fourth of July by not peeing his pants, instead in the middle of the playground, amidst lots of people, he pulled down his pants and did his business.
Aside from being embarassed, we enjoyed the local band, some free watermelon, some not so free navajo tacos, and the glorious fireworks.
It is my personal belief we had the BEST seats, however, T feels everyone felt the same way since the fireworks were so close.
At first, John Wayne got spooked by the loud bang, but after that, he just sat and stared in awe, while momentarily putting his hands on our faces asking us, "Did you see that?"
I don't know why he doesn't have a shirt on.
He's been on a big shirtless kick.
 What a great day to remember gratitude for all the blessings in my life!

1 comment:

Pants said...

I wish I could have seen John Wayne watch fireworks! Love you guys.