Monday, November 30

Thankful for Thanksgiving

I love Thanksgiving for so many reasons! In many ways, I love it more than Christmas. We get to visit more people, we get more time to visit, and there's way more food! Here are some things I'm grateful for this holiday season:

1. My mom and dad preparing/buying all the food. They did a great job!

2. All the great food my relatives brought over. Everything was delicious!

3. Just hanging around in the kitchen, visiting with my friends and family. It was one memorable Thanksgiving. I wish I had taken a picture of the whole gang. Over 20 people showed up!

There's so many things to do before Christmas comes! It's going to be an exciting season!

1 comment:

Trish said...

I'm getting hungry just looking at those food pictures. Thanksgiving with family sure is different than thanksgiving with just friends. I mean both are great but with family you have all the extra love and relationships to enjoy! Hopefully next year we'll be able to have Thanksgiving with family. Or maybe just Christmas. We'll see.