Tuesday, November 10

Here's Comes Fall!

When is comes to Phoenix, who knows when Fall officially begins. I do know one thing: you cannot count on the weather to tell you! Yesterday, it was 87 degrees and one day next week it's supposed to 89 degrees! I wish it would just cool down already...

One thing I can count on, however, are the family traditions!

Every year, we go to the Arizona State Fair on the very last weekend it's going on.
Every year, we eat Indian Fry Bread and Funnel Cakes.
Every year we watch the Demolition Derby.

Some things may change, but this ALWAYS remain the same!

Oh, how I LOVE family traditions!


Trish said...

I love your new blog design! Way cute! I feel the same way here- I just don't want to wear my shorts anymore. Nick isn't complaining though.

Pants said...

Good pic of T