Friday, August 28

Half-Way I S'pose...

Things are developing nicely. My body is getting bigger everyday. It's kind of depressing to think at this moment I'm the smallest I will be in awhile. I see pictures of myself before the pregnancy began, and I think, 'Wow, I was skinny!' It's funny, because at the time, all I thought was, 'Oh, I'm so big!' Fortunately, I still fit into my pre-pregnancy clothes, with some minor adjustments. I'm just dreading the moment when my wardrobe will significantly diminish. I feel like I am showing now, and I get lots of comments from people at work.

I've been pretty busy lately. It's like once I get to work, I'm working, working, working, and don't have the chance to think about anything until the kiddos leave. It makes the time seriously fly, which has its upsides and downsides. Upside: the weekends come so quickly! Downside: this pregnancy is flying by even faster than I presumed it would. I haven't had the chance to really think about getting things ready for the baby.

So far, there have been upsides and downsides to this pregnancy, too.

I feel really big.
It's getting harder to bend over and pick things up.
My clothes are kinda tight, which makes me uncomfortable.
I think I'm breaking out on my shoulders (weird!)
My back starts to hurt if I sit for long periods of time.

I've started to feel the baby kick (crazy feeling!).
The kicks have gotten so strong, T has been able to feel them on occasion (I hope he gets more into feeling the baby as the pregnancy progresses).
I don't know why, but before I used to get canker sores literally ALL THE TIME, now, I never get them (I LOVE this because I hate cankers!)
I'm not ashamed of my stomach sticking out anymore, in fact I'm a little proud of it (even if half of the stomach stick-out belongs to my fat).
It is becoming more and more real there is someone inside of me I get to meet in four months or so and it excites/scares me to death (in a good way).

Having a baby growing inside of you is a very bizarre, confusing, out-of-control experience and I'm looking forward to the next crazy turn in the corner...


Trish said...

Just enjoy whatever small measure of comfort you can currently maintain. It is getting harder and harder for me to get comfortable. Hopefully we will be able to buy a new sectional soon (we have to sell what we have first). Then I won't have such a hard time, me thinks!

Anonymous said...

I hate to say it...but the downsides tend to increase as time rolls by. Fortunately for you, the upsides get better too! Feeling the baby is great and it only gets so much better! I literally look like an earthquake is inside me sometimes and it makes me burst into laughter every time. So even though the clothes shopping sucks, and you won't be able to pick stuff up from here after, you have the baby to look forward to! :)