Thursday, July 30

Work, Work, Work

Last Friday afternoon, this is what I walked into:

I was so overwhelmed! A teacher from last year was quitting, so I basically inherited everything of hers. On the upside, I now have all these resources without having to go out and buy the stuff myself. On the down side, I had to go through all this stuff and decide where to put it, if it was necessary, and organize
everything. It was a really big job! I'm still not totally done yet, but it's coming along. All I know is, I am beat!

This is today:


Melissa said...

Nice job! What a ton of work! How are you feeling?

Sarah & Andrew said...

It's looking really good! Don't put too much pressure on yourself to have it perfect. This is my 4th year setting up my room and it's still not quite how I want it. And guess what, the kids will never know the difference!