Friday, February 20

I just had to share this...

Ok, I'm not sure if anyone else is going to think this is funny, but I read something today I thought was pretty comical and kind of inappropriate. Keep in mind, this is from a 10 year old. In class, we do a lot of vocabulary work because vocabulary is important as well as most of these kids are English Language Learners, so they need the vocabulary work more than most kids.
Anyway, I have the kids do these worksheets where they have to finish the sentence. It's a way for me to know that they understand what the word means as well as are able to put it into a sentence correctly. For example: She was looking festive because... (I then have them fill in the rest of the sentence. FYI, the vocabulary word used was 'festive'.) Today, I was grading the kiddos work, and going over their sentences to make sure they were more or less correct. I came across this little gem. I hope someone else thinks this is funny. The start of the sentence was: Those spectators... The vocab word was 'spectators'. This kid decided to fill it in so the sentence read like this: Those spectators were watching someone take a shower... I hope he's not spectator of this!


Trish said...

Ha ha, yeah I think that is funny!

KS said...

Ha Ha Ha!!! Aren't kids the best!

Melissa said...

Oh man - kids crack me up!