Friday, November 21

We have a great ward!

Since we moved down here from Logan, and moved into this new place, we obviously belong to a different ward now. The first ward we were in together last spring, was a great ward for us. It was right near campus, and it seemed like all the young single adults moved from the university singles wards to this ward once they got married. It was full of newlyweds going to school and working, just like us. The only thing was that there were so many young couples, it was like we were swimming in a faceless sea of them. We never got the opportunity to speak in that ward because there were so many new people.
When we came here, we were pleased because it is such a more intimate ward. This ward is also somewhat diversified. There are young as well as less young couples in the ward. Plus! Everyone was so welcoming! There are no cliques, no cold shoulders. Everyone is warm and absolutely wonderful. I am enjoying myself so much!

Tonight, we got the opportunity to go to a ward party. They try to have some kind of a get-together every month. This party was called breakfast for dinner. A lot of people dressed in their pajamas. We dressed in what we got to bed in which is basically T's warm-up shorts and some sort of t-shirt. It was fun to see everyone in a more social setting. We spoke last week, and I actually enjoyed myself. Also, we've been given assignments. I can't say what they are yet because we haven't been called, but I am excited to share. I will blog about it later on. I am so ready to be apart of this ward, and to be in the service of the Lord!

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