Friday, December 31

3 Years.

 December 2007
December 2008 
December 2009
December 2010

I like that our anniversary is in December.
It gives me some closure as well as an opportunity to reflect on everything that has happened this year.
If I could sum up this year in one word it would be...
Which is really just a fancy, more positive word for...
This year has been the most challenging year probably of my life
Since they go hand in hand, it should really be no surprise that it has been the most educational of my life as well.
It seems the older I get, the more I realize I have absolutely no clue about anything.
I knew a mission would be no sweat before I went out.
I knew marriage would be a breeze before I got married.
I knew pregnancy would be nothing before I got pregnant.
I knew motherhood would be simple before I gave birth.
Guess what?
Surprise, surprise
I was wrong.
If there was one thing I came to know this year that would be valuable to future me it is this:

EVERYTHING is a learning opportunity.
Don't assume you really know anything.

Now that this year is over, I feel closer to knowing my husband.
I feel closer to knowing how to be a mother.
I feel closer to knowing the new me I've become.  

I don't know anything.
But, I'm getting closer...


Unknown said...

I love your outlook on life. You are great! Even though you may think you know nothing. You know more than a lot of people.

Anonymous said...

Good post! I like everything you said about not knowing anything...i couldn't agree more :)

Melissa said...

Things look easier before you're in the middle of them. True post, and I have to tell you how gorgeous you look. Love the pictures! I can't believe it has been three years! Congratulations!