Tuesday, November 30

11 Months

 He's 11 months old!
Here I thought he was going to be my baby boy forever...
It's getting harder and harder to take this stuffed animal picture.
I had to bribe him with some milk in this one to keep him still.
He's crawling like a maniac. I have to keep one eye on him at all times or else he'll get into something I won't like.
He knows exactly who his dad is. All I have to say is "Dada", and he looks straight at his dad.
He has it all figured out what we're each good for. His dad is for playing/rough housing.  His mom is for cuddling/making ouchies better.
He's very inquisitive.  He'll stare at in adamant objects for long periods of time like he's trying to figure them out.  As I type this Baby J is sitting in his highchair not eating just staring silently at his food, fingers, and harness straps.
He loves to talk and try out different syllables.
He changes so quickly from one day to the next; it's hard to keep up with him! 


Steven and Chelsea said...

NO MORE GROWING!!! j/k it's inevitable and he is so handsome!

Melissa said...

I LOVE that you have followed through with these pictures! He's getting so big... crazy.