Monday, April 29

For Remembrance Sake...

With two small children, a husband, and a part time job, there seems to be little, if any time to document my life.
Aside from my One Line a Day journal, I have to actively find the (quiet) time to sit down and think about the things I want to reflect upon.
Truth is, I love journaling.  I love reflecting.
I am sure this is not news.
It's just difficult for me to do it organically now.
What, with John Wayne running around the house, asking me 45 questions per minute, Richie discovering his voice, T rough housing with the kids, JW trying to play with Richie, but a little too hard, so Richie protests, and me at the center of it, I have a hard time allowing my brain to create something I'll want to remember for years to come.
Not to say there is nothing I want to remember right now.
Quite the opposite.
Like, I definitely want to remember the time we were feeding Richie some strawberries, and while our backs were turned, he somehow got into the butter and went to town on it.
It took us awhile to realize what he was eating.
Or the time (just yesterday) JW discovered my high heels and thought it would be a good idea to wear them around the house all day, nearly breaking his neck several times.
(I didn't get a picture of it yet, as I have yet to decide if my child has suffered enough humilation through my photographs). 
See? There are things I want to remember.
I especially want to remember this weekend.
Talk about one, crazy-busy weekend filled with many many scheduled and impromptu happenings.
I'll narrow it down to two.
We are temple prep teachers, here in our little town and have been teaching this wonderful woman. 
She is strong and faithful, and made the decison to go through the temple on Saturday.
We had never gone to the Salt Lake Temple before. 
We also had never gone to a session before to support someone going through the temple for the first time. 
It was so wonderful to see her make this amazing decision that will affect her entire life, as well as the lives of her family.
I feel so incredibly blessed to have been apart of her special day.
That, and it was literally the perfect day to be on the Temple Square grounds.
All those people taking our their endowments and getting married I'm sure were basking in the beauty of the day.
That same day (probably at the same time, too), T's little brother was getting engaged.
Amber is a warm, kind soul and we consider ourselves lucky to welcome her. 
She already fits into our family so nicely, and I'm excited to welcome her to the Isom sister-in-law club (there's a lot of us).
JW also has a huge fit when she leaves, which means he already loves her too.
We're happy to have you, Amber!
Eventhough I sometimes have to wake up an hour (or two) before my children, I know I need to sometimes in order to jot down just how my life and its goings on at this precise moment.
If anything I've learned being a mom (and just plain getting older, for that matter), it's that things are CONSTANTLY changing. 
Sure, it's impossibly frustrating at times, but that's the reality.
When I'm fifty or sixty or seventy, I want to remember my life right now,
filled with dirty faces, chubby cheeks, laughter, togetherness, dance parties, cluttered bedrooms, new beginnings, blossoming lasting love, and simple joys.
That's what I'm going to want to remember.


Allison said...

It was fun to see you guys!

Pants said...

Ha, Richie eating butter! I love the updates, Jackie.

Pants said...

Eating solid butter--love it! Love your updates, Jackie.