Sunday, October 7

Over Production

Disclaimer: This post is mostly for myself to keep some sort of record.  Plus, it might be a little too much information.  So, if you don't care about the innane details of my life or would feel uncomfortable knowing more about me on a somewhat intimate level, then just go ahead and skip this one.
With John Wayne and now Richie, pumping has been easier for me for two reasons:
1. I am a working mom, and my babies (so far) have had to get used to the bottle at an early age.
2. I produce an insane amount of breast milk! If I breast fed, I would have to pump directly afterwards to prevent getting a breast infection (I believe the reason I have gotten 5 breast infections between both kids (two of them with Richie already) is due to not pumping completely.
This milk I had produced over the span of two days that Richie could not consume.
Here is some frozen stuff...
And here's some more.
I think we have 75+ frozen bags of breast milk in our freezers.
I pump about three times a day.
Most of the time, I can produce more than 18 ounces at a time.
Not to mention, I also think I'm making more as Richie gets older.
I know I made a lot of milk with John Wayne, but I think I making 1 1/2 times more this time around!
I feel terribly blessed to have means to fed my child as much as he needs (the fact that it's free isn't too bad either), but at this rate, he's going to be drinking my breast milk years after I stop pumping!
What can I do with this extra milk?
Donate it?
Any ideas?


Unknown said...

Your babies are lucky- my milk would stop about 3months into having my babies. Lucky you and lucky them!!

Allison said...

HOLY CRAP! You are one lucky lady! After about two months, I have to supplement with every single feeding! I've never been able to pump more than 2 ounces at a time. 18 ounces????? That's nuts! Good for you. I think you can donate breastmilk to the hospitals for premature babies and stuff. At least I know you can here in Laramie. I would definitely check into that.

Keeping up with the Burtons said...

You can sell it. Serious. There are websites out there "brokering" breast milk...I have not seen them myself, but I watched something about it on TV recently. Just an idea :)

Alysa . . . . and Reed said...

I actually, at one point in with my first daughter, thought about donating breastmilk as well. It's a little complicated to donate your milk to, for example, to your local NICU or hospital. Basically, your milk has to be tested and I'm not sure what else, but once you were approved it was smooth sailing. I gotta say, you are one lucky girl to get so dang much milk!! :) It's awesome that you want to bless others with your extra.

Anonymous said...

That is nuts! I am a tad jealous...if I pumped I'd only get MAYBE 4oz max and that was before my milk adjusted. After my body adjusted to a schedule it was more like 2 oz. I am starting to wonder if I ever had produced enough for my babies....especially after seeing this! Good for you- that is awesome! I think I've heard you can sell your milk on craigslist or something. Especially since you don't drink or smoke it would be a hot commodity?? Maybe look into it??