Friday, August 24

Richie's Baby Pics

Wowee!  With me walking like Frankenstein, Richie waking up 3+ times in the night (still!! :) , trying to get John Wayne to sleep in his own bed (he's doing fabulously by the way), the teachers at my school doing an excellent job (as always) getting their classrooms together, and my co-teacher and I being light years behind everyone else, I've been pretty stressed out.
I'm excited to be starting school again; it's like a fresh start.
I'm also excited to be teaching only half the day.
I love being a teacher, but I also love my sanity.
However, we did get some newborn pics of our newest little one that I absolutely adore! 
Check 'em out!



Alysa . . . . and Reed said...

LOVE the 2nd from the bottom. What a sweet sweet smile. He is such a cutie.

Melissa said...

SOOOO sweet!!!!

Anonymous said...

So super cute!!