Thursday, March 1

A Vision of Things to Come?

Lately, I have been freaking out...
People keep telling me all their horror stories of having two kids.
The main thing I worry about is John Wayne.
Sure, he's nice around babies now but what happens when he realizes this kid's going to be living us. FOREVER?
As of right now, I couldn't ask for a sweeter child.
He's also just turned two, and apparently, the real terrible twos don't start up until they're close to three
(which is EXACTLY around the time the baby's born, perfect timing).
Admist my internal freak-out, we had some friends over for dinner.
They have the cutest little boy and he's just started doing his wobbly walk.
John Wayne and his relationship went from this:
To this:
 in a matter of seconds.
The question: is my freaking out justified?


Unknown said...

I think have two or more is better than just one!

Alysa . . . . and Reed said...

I can remember when I was pregnant with our 2nd having the same kind of freak-out. Basically, about the same kind of thing. Here's what I learned.
1. Luckily, your baby will be a newborn. So John Wayne will have a while to get used to the fact that he will be touching him/his toys/anything he likes at some future date when the baby CAN move.
2. Because the baby will be so helpless and little, I'm betting John Wayne won't just walk up and start wailing on him/her. He will want to help Mommy/Daddy with the baby and in doing things for the baby will learn to love the baby. That will help a lot when the time comes that the baby will be touching his toys/food/people he loves. :)
Those are the things I've learned through having our 2nd. And our 2nd is at the touching/eating/taking toys from our 1st stage. And because of the love that is learned from the baby stage, it's not so bad. Hope that makes some sense?

Anonymous said...

I agree with both comments made before me. Two isn't so bad- in fact, it's almost rewarding faster than the 1 at since it's fun to watch them interact with each other. Which makes you say to yourself, "oh yeah, this is why we decided on another child... Look how entertained they o
Both are :)