Sunday, October 30

Obsession to New Heights

John Wayne loves trains.

I found these train pajamas in a pile of stuff my sister-in-law gave me.  
It was love at first sight.

So much so that he throws a wild conniption fit if we try to take them away.

This week,  John Wayne:
wore his pajamas under his clothes everyday.
screamed for a good 20 minutes when we tried to wash them.
after 2 or 3 minutes of coaxing, got them off to change his diaper while he held them.
brought them to church.
and refused to take a bath without them.


Grammy Suzzy said...

Oh, how cute!!! Really, Jackie...he will someday grow out of this...and you will laugh...I promise! Just try to enjoy. It's really a harmless obsession. Just wait. It could be much, much worse...I promise! (from a mom of 4 boys)

Pants said...

This is hilarious! He had to take them to church? Classic.