Saturday, July 4

Mr. Fix-It

Dear T,

Thank you for fixing our only toilet. I know you didn't want to spend an entire day trying to figure out why it leaked every time someone flushed it. You did it, anyway! Thanks for understanding how much I NEEDED that toilet to be fixed! I am very proud and VERY grateful to you.

Your Pregnant Wife (who has to pee a lot)

P.S. I know you weren't too happy I was taking this picture, but thanks for letting me take it anyway..


Trish said...

Yay for a working toilet! Hey, I need your email address so I can invite you to the inspiration blog. Just leave it in a comment and I won't publish it.

Pants said...

good job, T. This is what husbands are for. (p.s. You look just like Little Richie)

Anonymous said...

I was going to say...if you pee as much as i did and still do- that toilet is a pretty essential part of the house unless he wants to start cleaning up puddles all over the house :)