Saturday, May 9

My Present Mantra

I will not count down the last days of school... I will not count down the last days of school...I will not count down the last days of school...


Trish said...

It is kind of bittersweet for me, because it means less income for 3 months. And that means less $ to spend on baby stuff. Well, hopefully people are really nice at my showers and it doesn't become a big issue.

Nat said...

Dude, I am! I can't wait until Ike's out of school. It cramps my style! I like to be able to take off and go whenever I want. I don't know how you teachers do it. Ike doesn't get out of school until June 4th, and he goes back the 4th week in Aug, so really he'll only get one whole month off of school. That sucks! Don't worry, I haven't brought this to his attention. Will we see you this summer???