Wednesday, March 4


I don't know why, but I have been so emotional lately! T and I were watching this sad movie last night (Saving Private Ryan), and during a particularly miserable scene, I started crying and couldn't stop! We literally had to turn off the movie because I was crying so hard! I have come a long way, considering before I was married, I cried once a year maybe (the mission doesn't count).
This didn't happen overnight; throughout the short duration of my marriage, I have gradually become more and more emotional, and sometimes over the dumbest things. One time, T was going to school and I didn't want him to go because I would miss him. You guessed it! Waterworks city! Does this happen to other married women? If so, why? I have some ideas, but I'm not sure. Does something psychologically, mentally or physically happen to you?


Chantel said...

Well are you sure pregnancy isn't an explanation :) That's always when I am the most emotional. But I don't know otherwise. I don't think its a bad thing. Maybe you're just catching up for so many years of not being emotional:)

T and Jackie Isom said...

For the record, I'm not pregnant. If I'm this emotional now, I pity T for having to put up with pregnant Jackie!

Trish said...

Um, if you are on birth control then that could be the problem. If not, then maybe you are just growing in a new way that you didn't know you could grow. I felt really embarrassed at our wedding because I almost started crying during the sealing! I have also been more emotional since we got married too actually. Not constantly, but I feel that I am just able to grow in a different way now that I am married and don't have my mom and dad near.

Steven and Chelsea said...

I'm so glad you posted this because now I don't feel like such a loser. I get emotional over really stupid stuff sometimes too. I think being married messes with your head or something and causes you to have more to doubt about or worry about.

SamanthaF said...

Remember when we used to tease mom about crying during movies? My, my, I guess we were teasing our future selves.

That suuuucks.