Friday, April 12

8 Months

This year has flown by.
Maybe it's because I now have two kids and things are as busy as ever.
Maybe it's because I'm teaching part-time (which is a post all in itself).
Maybe it's because I'm trying to keep my eyes shut until this crazy winter business has passed (about 5 months now, which is also a post all in itself).
 It doesn't matter.
All that matters to me right now is how big my little, tiny, adorable, itty bitty baby has gotten.
He's still as sweet as ever.
He is now consistently pulling himself up onto the furniture.
He's crawling all over the place.
He's still particularly interested in the bathroom garbage.
I'm pretty sure he's teething (though no teeth have presented themselves, yet).
Two bad ear infections can't be wrong.
JW is actually trying to play with him these days, and it's pretty cute! 
T and I were talking the other day about how great it will be when the two boys can actually talk to each other.
I know I know, I'm not going to enjoy their fighting/rough housing/possible damage to my house.

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