Friday, January 4

Christmas Day '12

T was on call over Christmas, so we ended up staying home.
I had a hard time with it at first, since it was the first time we'd stayed home, but in the end it turned out to be really fun.
T's parents came to share it with us.
And my mom skyped with us so she could be apart of it, too.
We had talked to JW for awhile about what Christmas would be like.
He understood, as well as a newly three-year-old could.
T and I still knew he wouldn't wake us up at an obscene hour.
He's just not old enough for that, yet.
So, T and his dad went coyote hunting in the morning, and JW woke up while they were still out.
JW saw those presents, and had to summon all his strength to not open them.
He's too smart too.
 While the boys were still gone, he went through all the gifts, found the DVD shaped ones and said, "Can I open the movies, Mommy?"
Compared to last year, he had much more interest in opening his presents.
However, he wanted to start playing with them right after he opened them and we had to constantly direct his attention to the other million presents.
Richie had a good time with JW's leftover wrapping paper.
After all the gifts were unwrapped, we headed to one of T's uncles who lives in town, and went on a wagon ride.
It was chilly, but boy it was fun.
It felt like the perfect Christmas activity.
JW did end up getting a little cold near the end, and let me cuddle him the whole way back (that was my Christmas present from him).
I had such a good time doing Christmas at home this year!  It reminded me that we have our own little family now, and how much it will be to start fun new traditions with just us.

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