Tuesday, April 26

Man's Best Friend

He has been carrying this around EVERYWHERE!
He also just learned the sound a dog makes, so he's been barking at everyone.
It's quite possibly the cutest thing I've ever heard!
In other news, T and I are moving.
We are moving to another small Wyoming town about 2 hours from here.
I got a teaching job there, and am super excited!
I am a little stressed out about everything, but we are praying it will all come together.
I have decided not to say the name here for privacy issues (I will be working at the only elementary school in town).
Believe me, the only ones who would really care already know!
So, I guess our summer's already planned out!


Unknown said...

CONGRATS on the new teaching job!

Pants said...

Oh, that picture of that face! It's too much cuteness!

Steven and Chelsea said...

Congrats on the new job!! And any chance you have a video of John barking? I have a feeling it's hilarious!