Friday, January 14

To Sum Up the Past Couple Weeks...

John Wayne caught this terrible cold.  
Oddly enough, he caught it in Phoenix, not Big Piney!
Anyway, it's been awful.
He woke up screaming at all times of the night.
He wanted to be held all day.
He wouldn't eat solids.
And he had all kinds of runny noses.
It would have been really gross if I wasn't his mother.
Only now is he really start to shake this thing...
and only now is he the sweet, cuddly, smiley, easy-going baby I remember.
It's funny how you take 'normal' for granted until you lose it...
And how grateful you become when it returns!
He's still getting over it.
First real smile I've seen in a while.
 It is so nice to have my baby boy back!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Glad he's feeling better. It's crazy how much kids change when they're sick. It is always nice to have them back to their norm again.