Monday, January 31

My Night Was Fantastic, You?

It's 4:30 AM.
I've been laying down with this screaming child in the hopes that he'd go back to sleep for the past two hours.
I'm trying to play doctor.
Is it his stomach?
Is it his teeth?
Is it his ears?
I don't know, it could be all three.
I finally give him a bath in the hopes that he'll feel better.
Oh, he feels better, alright.
So much better, in fact that now he's wide awake.
So, here I sit, half-asleep,
watching him crawl around doing his usual 'take out the batteries in the remote, repeat 'dada' over and over in his sing song voice, try to get a game of peek-a-boo going' routine.
Even though I'm super tired and kind of annoyed, I can't help but give this little guy kisses and marvel at what an adorable little guy he is.
Even at 4:30 AM.


Unknown said...

Your a great Mom!

Steven and Chelsea said...

You look really good- especially for being up at 430 for two hours!

TexAmmo said...

You are such a patient mom!! I don't know that I would be that way at 4:30, especially since he has been sick for so long, that is really hard on us moms.

Jessica Romrell