Wednesday, February 17

John's Blessing Day

With everything going on lately (births, deaths, holidays), the only day we could really settle on for John's baby blessing was Valentine's Day. I thought it perfect, considering Valentine's Day is a day reserved for expressions of love, and blessing a baby is a way to show love to our Father in Heaven. That, and we'll always be able to remember the exact day he blessed.

We were so lucky to have so many members of T's family come for a visit! It was time we got to see them again, many never even saw me pregnant! T's brother Hans is a pilot, so many of them flew standby, this added some suspense to our days, Will they get on this flight? Will they have to wait for the next one? Are they going to get on any at all? Fortunately, a good lot of them were able to make it.

My uncle gave me matching ties as a gift for the baby shower. They were a big hit, probably the most popular gift I got that day! He actually sells them; matching ties in any size you want! What a great idea! It was sign we needed to get little Johnny a matching suit, so the two could look like twins! Thanks Uncle Wynn!

Don't my boys look super cute? After the blessing was done, T held up our son (as what is custom) and there was a very audible 'aww'.

Afterwards, we had a relaxing picnic in the park. Gotta love Phoenix, it was a wonderful 70 degree day, perfect for a day outside! Such a great weekend! We thank all for supporting our little family!


Steven and Chelsea said...

I love the matching suits and ties! That is the cutest thing ever!

allison said...

awww is right, so cute! And so cool so many of T's fam could come, I love them all!

Anonymous said...

That's such a cute outfit for a boy! I love it! I think it's hilarious that Jack only has one sock on in that last piccture :)

Anonymous said...

*** correction*** I don't know why I said "Jack"- I meant John when I put that last comment

ThePalmers said...

Look how cute your boys look in those ties. With such great models to advertise for us, we should send you another set. If you go to the website and pick out your fav, I will send them to ya! Oh yeah- I need your address!

Kayla said...

OH YOU ARE SO LUCKY!!! it is only in 50 degree weather here. (70 degrres... will it ever come?:) anyway john is so cute and T is hansome:)