Friday, January 4

A Three Year Old Birthday

I, unfortunately, am not one of those mothers who does elaborate birthday parties for my children at the ages they are now. 
As of right now, I simply cannot handle doing something for John Wayne with him being as young as he is and his birthday being so close to Christmas.
Maybe when he gets older/will remember/can decide what kind of birthday party he wants to have.
I think he liked his special day.
We had been talking to him a lot about his birthday and what would happen.
I made him special birthday pancakes for breakfast.
He unwrapped his presents
and afterwards he blew out his candles after we sang Happy Birthday to him.
He didn't quite understand that he wasn't supposed to sing, so he sang with us.
John Wayne,
I am so happy you joined our family.
You are so smart, you surprise us with the things you know.  You help me not underestimate you in your abilities.
You are so sensitive.  I love how deeply you feel about the things that happen around you.  You show me how wonderful being passionate can be.
You are so kind.  You think are constantly thinking of others and trying make them feel better.  You teach me the value of having a caring heart.
You are so funny.  I love how you copy us or quote movies so often.  It reminds me to not say the things I do sometimes or let you watch the things we watch.
I love you with all my heart, and am so grateful you are who you are.
I love you because you are you and apart of this family, and there's nothing that would make me love you any less.


1 comment:

Pants said...

Oh, I love this 3 year old boy.