Tuesday, September 11

One Month

My little baby Richie is one month old.
Parts of me wish time would slow down so I can enjoy my newborn baby awhile longer.
Other parts of me wish time would speed up so I can enjoy other baby stages sooner.
Words cannot describe how much I love this little boy.
I love watching him peacefully sleep while his fat little jowls relax.
I love seeing him observe the world around him in his little baby way.
I love smelling his sweet, intoxicating baby smell.
I love feeling the softness of his baby skin as I kiss his baby neck,
and I love lifting his out of his crib and marveling at how light he is in comparison of my other kid.
He's my perfect little baby.
He's cuddly and sleeps well, (even at night!) he's eats a ton and is gaining weight speedily.
I can't believe we were lucky enough to be blessed with such a perfect little being.
P.S. His eyes are really light compared to John Wayne.  Did we somehow create a blue-eyed baby?

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