Wednesday, September 26

Deep Breaths

Richie's been added to the family.
T works full-time, I work part-time, so I lost the night duty coin toss.
He's begun to sleep pretty well through the night, and I actually get more sleep than just 2 hours at a time.
With Richie's still newborn-type sleeping unpredictablity, I've become EXTREMELY protective/anticipatory of my nighttime sleeping.
It's the one time in my day where I can actually let myself fully relax.
I'm addicted.
I NEED my nighttime sleep (what little I have of it).
So if anyone, and I mean anyone, even say a blonde-haired-brown-eyed-two-year-old-who-took-a-super-long-nap-at-daycare-and-refuses-to-go-sleep-even-until-2:30-AM, distrubs that sleep well, I have the potential of losing it.
That brings us to tonight.
When you're a mom, you're no longer allowed to stamp your feet and have a fatigue-fueled temper tantrum on the living room carpet anymore...
But believe me, mentally, I'm tantruming it up.
So here's to stubborn toddlers, mental temper tantrums, adorable chunky babies, and all the sleep I'm not getting.
I'm sure I'm not alone.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hear you! Fortunately dallin sleeps through the night now, but it was a full year and then some where he didn't. I am so sorry- its hard to be patient without sleep. I can't believe John Wayne stayed up that late- crazy!! And I totally loved what you said about having a mental tantrumn.... It happens to me all the time!!