Sunday, July 29

Ferrell Visit

It has been quite the past few weeks!
Along with Jake and Andy coming home, and us moving into a new house; my parents, Preston and his girlfriend, Taylor came to visit!
It was quite the whirlwind, and fortunately we managed to get as much playtime in as possible!
We got to watch T do the swimming portion of the town's triathalon.

 Our kid was so tired, but couldn't possible sleep because of all the fun people hanging around our house!
We went to the town's Pioneer Day parade (which was better than the Fourth of July parade).

And the rodeo, John Wayne kept trying to run away from us!
 Next year, he is doing the Bunny Run, for sure!
Jake and Andy's Welcome Home.
So many kids!
I'm glad Preston got to see them before they headed off.
 My dad took me, Preston, Taylor, and most importantly, John Wayne to Lagoon.

 He had fun, he just didn't know what to think about the whole thing.
That, and he did NOT understand the concept of lines!
The dragon roller coaster spooked him out!

The one thing he LOVED was obvious...
He loved the spash park!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What a fun visit!