Thursday, September 29

Where Oh Where Has the Time Gone?

I haven't been blogging for a number of the following reasons:
a. Too tired to move my fingers let alone type something after work
b. Not much has been going lately to photograph, let alone report on.
c. When I see my son now, I just want to cuddle right up into his little body and blissfully veg.
d. We don't internet at our house, which has been nice, since it forces my husband and I to actually have conversations with each other during the week.
e. Daily, I look at my list of things to do, blogging/journaling falls somewhere below, 'give my son a bath' and 'do the dishes', and those things hardly ever happen on a weekday so...

P.S. I think we're getting internet soon, so *maybe* the blogging will continue...Also, where did September go?  I've been asking lots of people and no one seems to know...

1 comment:

Unknown said...


I'm still looking for June!