Tuesday, September 13

Small Town Living

It's no secret I'm no stranger to the big city. In fact every city I've ever lived in up til recently has been large.
And yet, ever since I can remember, I used to fantasize about living in a small town.  I had no real experience  with the small town.  All I'd ever known was the stuff I'd seen in movies. And yet, I was still fascinated.
Then, I graduated high school and went away for the summer to work in South Dakota.  I met a girl there named Meghan.  She was from a teeny tiny town in Minnesota and we became fast friends.  I was obsessed with her small town lifestyle, mentality, and demeanor.  She gave me something real, not something I'd watched on a T.V. show.   To me, living in a small town seemed like everything I'd hoped it be.
So when I met T and found out he was from a 'town' of about 20 people, I was instantly attracted.  He could give me something I've dreamed about forever. Now, we are living that dream and I love it.  At every turn, we are among friends.  Every person we see, we wave to, if not stop and chat with.  I feel special here.  I feel noticed.  I feel like I'm part of a family much larger than myself, T, and my son.  I feel like I make a difference.  I feel if we left, I would be missed.
Some of you may think I'm crazy and that's OK. 
Do I get annoyed sometimes because I live 40 minutes from a Wal-Mart?
Do I get frustrated when I'm bored on a Saturday night?
Do I sometimes miss the hustle and bustle of busy streets?
But does that outweigh the traffic, murders, rapes, anonymity, rudeness, and the go go go mentality of the big city?
You bet ya.
So, go ahead and feel sorry for me.  Just as long as you don't move here, I'm fine with that.


Melissa said...

Love it!

Unknown said...

Small towns are fun! Enjoy it! I'm jealous. I miss my small town!