Friday, August 12

Good Times in Heber

Last weekend, our little adorable nephew, Flint was blessed.
He has these baby blue eyes to die for.
Blue eyes are very common in T's family.
Out of the 25 or so grandkids, three of them (John Wayne included) do not have blue eyes.
I want a child with blue eyes...
Unfortunately, I do not think it's possible.
 We had a wonderful time.
 T's sister has the most amazing house.
 I told T to built this exact same house for me one day.
T said he would. 
I want to believe him so bad!
Summer is winding down, which means I've been in my new classroom all week getting things ready.
I'm nervous, excited, ready, not ready, about to throw up (nervousness, NOT pregnancy) , overwhelmed and excited.
(Those are the all the emotions I felt just then).


Unknown said...

Have a good time teaching- I only can imagine what a fun teacher you would be.
Your family is adorable!

Melissa said...

Where and what are you teaching? :) I didn't know you were! Yay!